? ??????????????Cat Lover? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??7 Grabs Today. 2161 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
view?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Curious Cat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (236 Ratings)??4 Grabs Today. 10961 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pyzam Bubble Maker Toy
Thought bubbles & MySpace Layouts at pYzam.com

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pussy goes for a swim

As pussy was walking, he smelt something. He saw that the smell was coming from a house and the window was open. He went in and saw a kid.

The kid started to chase him and pull his tail

meoooooooooouch! Shouted pussy!

He ran outside and saw a pool. Trying to escape pain, he jumped on the float!

pussy fell of the float and started to drown

Suddenly, he felt someone holding him. He coulnd’t see anything so he opened his eyes even wider.

he saw a girl!

it was a very ugly looking mermaid! Pussy immediately fell in love with her…

pussy realized she had saved him and when they were under the pool he proposed to her…(f.y.i: this is a pussy so he can breathe under water!)

they got married!

1 876 569 years later….

Pussy was going to give birth.!!! Then is wife said…

Wife: I need to confess!
Pussy: about what?
Wife: this may shock you!
Pussy: hey I am supposed to be a man and I am the one giving birth. Do I looked shocked?
Wife: no. ok fine! I am actually a merman!


Pussy: I don’t believe you!
Wife: don’t make me strip!
Pussy: wait if ur a merman then…what do you look like?
Wife: Like this…

Pussy: I am divorcing with you!
Wife: no problem this is the 10th time.

Pussy: OMG!
Wife :but before you go I am going to give something

The next day…

The kid was at the pool. The kid saw pussy and was shocked at what he was bringing out of the pool.

(this is what pussy's wife gave him)
And no pulling my tail!

Pussy: Hey kid…you know there is a mermaid in your pool!

Kid: Mummy!Mummy! The cat has come back to haunt me and is looking like he is 1 876 589 years old

Pussy: Where! Where!

It must look really ugly!!!!!!!!!!! Wait for me kid!
(hope you enjoy this story! please leave comment abt it at thecbox.tq!!=p)

Friday, July 31, 2009

cool game!

hey every1!!!

go check out this game....


it is awesome!! you drive the car and kill cats...how sad for shakir!?


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


No wait! i don't wana go to jail!! I am begging here!

I don't care!

Let me out please!!!

No! I am bringing you to court now...

What! What did i do wrong???

You dont play play ah!


Shut up every pussy! (the judge)

And miaocome

Show me your identification card.

Please tell me what did i do wrong!!!???

YOu were arrested for killing somebody ....Did you or did you not??

No! i have never killed anypussy ever in my life!

I am shocked!

Don't lie to me pussy! We have proof it was you !

Fine!! Show me your proof!

SILENCE! I will not be ordered....by a pussy

I will show you the picture later...

But what we all know is that you killed a very loving person! You broke many Pussies hearts! How could you?!

(aww! Don’t cry pussy!)

Bring out the picture!

That dog is in jail know…

Last Halloween, you were caught doing this with your doggy friend Hallupinio

(judge crying)
That pumpkin used to make us all scared and happy during Halloween…=(
Until you killed it! Why did you???


how would I have known?

It was on sale…

So I bought it…


yes but you have made it evil…so know you are sentenced to death...

AHHH!!! Not death! Please!

Fine! I have something even more special…

Get him and to the ‘ROOM’!

Oh oh! (pussy)



Friday, July 3, 2009

a cat story for you

A cat story for you =)

There was once this cat who so bored. So one day, he decides to go for a walk. As he was walking in the forest….

he heard something following him… He was scared but continued walking. All of a sudden another cat jumped out of a nearby bush.

Stop! Stop! In the name of pussy!

The cat ran for life and came to a busy road. Before running, he said his prayers.

Oh god! Please save me!

He ran towards the road and at the other side he sees this police. As he runs towards the police to ask for help, the police shouted…


You are under arrest

TO BE CONTINUED!!!...........................

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"How you behave toward cats here below determines your status in Heaven.

i wonder if that is true...cuz i know i am not so nice kind or good to pussy(shakir)....

There are many intelligent species in the universe. They are all owned by cats...

but i know i doo not agree with that!! do you...? cmon...pussy maybe smart...but they are not all owned by cats....albert einstein isn't a cat is he??? nope dont think so....if not i think we will all become smth like pussy!! leave comments at the cbox....cuz i have nothing beyter to do othere than read tht.....life is worthless when ur a cat....u hv nine of them

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the movie

hey every1!! and pussy! so the movie is being written....

let me tell u a bit....

pussy will be a hero...

saving a...................

so it does not become this....



here are some sayings of the cat...or should i change it to pussy?

“The man who carries a cat by the tail learns something that canbe learned in no other way.” ~ Mark Twain

“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings,for one reason or another may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” ~ Ernest Hemingway

“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life:music and cats.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

“No matter how much cats fight, there always seems to be plentyof kittens.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

“If animals could speak the dog would be a a blunderingoutspoken fellow, but the cat would have the rare grace ofnever saying a word too much.” ~ Mark Twain

“There are no ordinary cats.” ~ Colette

“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, couldwalk on a cloud without coming through.” ~ Jules Verne

“One cat justs leads to another.” ~ Ernest Hemingway

“Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slaveof the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the catit would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat.” ~ Mark Twain

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” ~ Colette

“The naming of cats is a difficult matter. It isn’t just one ofyour holiday games. You may think at first I'm mad as a hatter.When I tell you a cat must have three different names...” ~ T.S. Eliot

“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little,they become its visible soul.” ~ Jean CocteauWho’s counting anyway...“If I die before my cat, I want a little of my ashes put in his foodso I can live inside him.” ~ Drew Barrymore

"No man ever dared to manifest his boredom so insolently asdoes a Siamese tomcat when he yawns in the face of his amorouslyimportunate wife." ~ Aldous Huxley

“I want to create a cat like the real cats I see crossing the streets,not like those you see in houses. They have nothing in common.The cat of the streets has bristling fur. It runs like a fiend, and ifit looks at you, you think it is going to jump in your face.”~ Pablo Picasso

“Ignorant people think it is the noise which fighting cats makethat is so aggravating, but it ain’t so; it is the sickening grammarthat they use.” ~ Mark Twain

“If you want to write, keep cats.” ~ Aldous Huxley

“A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animalis going somewhere.” ~ Groucho Marx


nice pic rite...? i wonder...shakir how do u see urself???

do u see urself as a lion or something else?? should be shakir looking into a mirror and finding a pussy (cat) not anything else!

anyways...i will be uploading more pics....buh-bye

Friday, May 29, 2009


i just found a new saying... as dangerous as this...

bewarethesnippercat or pussy

cute? or weird


anyways i was bored u cannot believe where i found that picture...well curiosity kills the cat!

anyways shair says: happy or miaoe holidays...i will be spending my time giving birth...miao

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

sneak peek


Sunday, May 24, 2009


soooooooo...no 1 has left anything on chat box so i am getting bored.... anyways....pussy has a relative which is a bunny.......oh and i am gessing the movie is gona be both....but there is still time....i cant believe there is a test 2morrow!...... good luck pussy....if u get good grades i belanja u milk or raw fake fish.......or u can catch a mice 4 urself!....haha....here's a song by imran...i only know some of it...
scratch me,
miao me,
but cant u see what i pee,
but all the __ and all the __
i 4got the words
i will get it and post it rite after the exam....
anyways bye

Monday, May 18, 2009

more and more

shakir's goin on a trip,
in his favourite pussy ship,
zooming through the sky,
fatty miaostein.

haha...jus a stupid song...hey shakir broke a another record...first 1 with no tail! and he currently has 1 356 800 babies!!! lets give him a round of PAWS! hey atleast he his increasing the number of cats....virtually......he stores them all behind his house......where he was transformed into a PUSSY...while chatting online with me.........you can ask me how he became he pussy...or should i say his HISTORY.....i never knew pussy had a history.....until know...he could break the record of first pussy with a history...oh! and to walk on 2 legs....records...i cant count!

Friday, May 15, 2009


hi humans....i said cuz shakir's a cat not human....plz leave comments.....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

other one

hey every1....can you believe shakir has glow in the dark whiskers!!!??? 2morrow i will put the pic...its on a fake flower....
look at that cat...ok every1...the PUSSY is gona star in movie called...ok wait i cant tell you yet...it will be out maybe after the unneeded public stupid rodent...(upsr) i am gona put up a poll askin if it should be horror...k bye! i jus saw a cat!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


heyy every1!!! once again...shakir broke another record...i dind't reale regconise this 1....but he is the most (drum roll)..... fattest cat ever and the first one to wear a songkok!!!! lets give a big hand...no wait paw to shakir....
ok.... maybe i would reconsider the fattest cat thing... i mean look at the size of that thing....shakir may be bigger in size...but weight....??? i donno!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

hey every1...sry 4 the long non-updation...shakir has set the record....4 the most babies...he has given birth to more than 1 356 798 babies! THTS A LOT! so kk bye...

Friday, April 10, 2009


miao every1....yesterday pussy created a song....abt zetie...i am not gona write the lyrics!...

check out the pics...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


yo every1...i am gona put up a quiz so plz answer the quiz...tq 4 visiting the blog....so plz leave a coment! so pussy how was the test? pussy was singing! horrible...f.y.i i am mre horrible.!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


yo every1....this is a site dedicated to shakir the pussy.....i am the owner of dhiv-die.blogspot.com and now this! so i am gona post the biodata of shakir the pussy....leave me comments....wait 4 the cbox....

name: pussy
age: 1 234 652
address: no.9 urp 4/p miao jaya
occupation: pussy stripper
place of work: miao miao stripper club
hobby: giving birth
fav web: strippingmiaos.com
fav drink and food: whiskers and milk
fav channel: the cat, miao, pussy channel
fav tv show: miaosex jungle, desparate miaowives
status: taken by pussy
fav thing to wear: nothing
sign : (ask me in school) contains pussy!
soooooooooo tq and enjoy ur life.....2 shakir u hv 9 of them
shakir enjoy ur pussyrific life!
terms and conditions gona be applied at dhiv-die.blogspot.com!